Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Choo Choo, Amelie is Two!

I cried at least one tear on February 13th.  Two years have flown by.  Amelie and I always read books at bedtime, but that day I had to rock her to sleep.  I sang Happy Birthday over and over to put her to sleep, in response to her prompts, "again, again."  What a happy day it was because we have an extremely happy, silly, hungry, healthy two year old little girl.  We know this because we hear the word "no" more than any other word every single day. We have so much fun seeing the look in her eyes as she feels proud of doing something as simple as looking in the mirror to see herself brush her own hair. We spend many hours crafting, getting messy, learning, playing, arguing, loving and I don't think either Johnny or I would trade a single second of them for any other experience.

I picked a few party pictures that describe her the best:

Spending her birthday with Thomas and taking advantage of any moment to steal some jewels.

I had a lot of fun with her birthday cake.  Almost too much fun because I might have gotten a little carried away, even so I still loved her cake. I usually try to keep things simple but I just didn't want to stop.  I made a little train and a number 2 out of a fondant, gum paste mix. The train cars are carrying her birthday candles and they sit atop a 10" round cake.  
fondant train

train themed party

Here is our Miss Amelie holding tight to her beloved "Cranky" the crane.  Cranky has many layers of chapstick on, and is adorned daily with my stolen necklaces.

On another note.....February 13th was also my first "bloggiversary."  I have to thank every one of you for reading!  I can see the count of every page view and your region through google's analytics (but not who you are) and even though I started this blog to document for myself and share with those who are closer to me, I can see that I have reached many more people. I feel happy at the possibility that I may be inspiring others to create! 

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